Children at a playroom  - Photo:Photo: Theodore Scrivanos
Children at the playroom of HOUSE2, a shelter for unaccompanied minors in Athens Photo: Theodore Scrivanos

EEA Grants in Greece

The EEA Grants represent the contribution of Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein to reducing economic and social disparities, and strengthening cooperation with 15 EU countries. The basis for the Grants is the EEA Agreement.

EEA Grants 2014 - 2021 

The agreement of the current funding period (2014 - 2021) for Greece was signed in Athens in October 2017. Final eligibility date for all programs was 30 April 2024. The EEA bilateral fund extends to April 2025.

Here is what the EEA Grants have focused on: 


Programmes and responsible entities


  • Renewable Energy, Energy Efficiency
    Program Operator: Centre for Renewable Energy Sources and Savings, CRES
    Program webpage


  • Good Governance, Accountable Institutions, Transparency
    Program Operator: Greek Ministry of Digital Governance, Program webpage (in Greek)



How is the EEA Grants structure decided? 

How and where the EEA Grants are channelled has been decided jointly by the Greek state and the donor countries. Their decisions are reflected in the Memorandum of Understanding 2014-2021 between Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein and Greece. Details of the fundings are made in the various programs' concept notes, following stakeholder consultations which are inclusive dialogues with representatives from the Government, the wider public sector, the civil society, the academia and the private sector.

Young man and boy hugging
A young refugee boy is hugging a girl Photo: Christophe Vander Eecken

2024: 30 years of EEA Grants in Greece

1 January 2024 marks the 30th anniversary of the Agreement on the European Economic Area (EEA), bringing together the three EEA EFTA States – Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway – and the 27 EU Member States in one Internal Market.

Greece has received funding since the EEA Agreement entered into force in 1994. Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein are joining forces in this funding, with Norway contributing the majority of the funding.

This video by Theodore Scrivanos gives an overview of some of the many great projects implemented in Greece since 1994:

The EEA Grants are about working across borders, striving for economic and social growth, and continuously aiming to build a better future.

Below you will find an overview of what has been funded in the various funding periods.

Summary of what has been achieved in Greece

Norway is a small country, and we want to make sure we make a difference when we engage. In the following, you will find a summary of what has been achieved in previous funding periods.

How to find a partner for your EEA Grants project idea

One of the two main goals of the EEA Grants is to increase cooperation and relations between countries.

Greece - Funding period 2014-2021

Norway and Greece signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on funding totalling EUR 116.7 million under the EEA and Norway Grants on 31 October 2017. Job creation and business development are new and important priority areas. The agreement also builds on experience gained in the field of asylum and migration.

Greece - Funding period 2009-2014

For the period 2009-2014, €63.4 million was allocated to Greece, up from €34.3 million granted during the previous five year funding period. Key areas of support were among others safeguarding the right to seek asylum and improving the reception conditions, particularly of unaccompanied asylum-seeking children.

Greece - Funding period 2004-2009

For the period 2004-2009, Greece was allocated € 34.3 million. Key areas of support were protection of the environment, conservation of cultural heritage, health and childcare.

Greece - Funding period 1999-2003

For the period 1999-2003, Greece was allocated € 22 million. The allocation covered three large-scale environmental projects. Two of the projects aimed at restoring the wetlands of Amvrakikos and of the Riparian Forest of Nestos Delta.

Greece - Funding period 1994-1998

Allocations covered fourteen projects related to the rehabilitation and conservation of Greek monasteries, as well as a large-scale marine monitoring project aimed at pollution reduction.