News on development and humanitarian efforts Press Release: Syria 10 years Strengthening commitment to end SGBV Norway to participate in international cooperation on COVID-19 vaccines Norwegian aid to developing countries hits record high Norway contributes to IAEA test-kits against Covid-19 Record Norwegian support for humanitarian efforts and protection Norway to play leading role in international coronavirus summit Norway assists Somalia en route to debt relief Norway to provide NOK 125 million to UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees International Day of Education 2020 Norway to provide assistance for response to measles outbreak in Samoa New Oslo Action Plan to combat landmines Norway Launches International Development Strategy on Combating Non-Communicable Diseases Norway increases support for crisis-hit population of South Sudan Norway steps up development assistance for promoting healthy and sustainable oceans NOK 5.5 billion for humanitarian aid in 2020 NOK 1.4 billion increase in aid budget Donors reaffirm need for a two-state solution Norway launches action plan on sustainable food systems Norway increases support for education in crisis situations Norway to provide NOK 30 million for school meals in Mali Norway to send assistance to Ebola victims in DR Congo Norway to lead UN’s central platform for development policy Norway enters into partnership with the UN Tax Committee New action plan to combat hunger Norway to provide USD 40 million for humanitarian mine clearance in 2019 One year closer 2019 Record-high Norwegian core funding to UN organisations in 2019 Norway to provide further contribution to EU Emergency Trust Fund for Africa New white paper on Norway’s role and interests in multilateral cooperation Acting Together to End Sexual and Gender-Based Violence in Humanitarian Crisis Norwegian Government increases efforts to combat child marriage, female genital mutilation and gender-selective abortion (son preference) Norway supports Ebola response in DR Congo Norway increases support to UNRWA by NOK 100 million Norway increases funding for humanitarian efforts in the wake of Cyclone Idai Norway provides humanitarian assistance to Mozambique Norway to provide NOK 100 million to people with disabilities in developing countries Norway fulfils pledge to provide NOK 10 billion to Syria crisis Norway to provide NOK 60 million for mine action in Sri Lanka Norway to provide NOK 150 million in humanitarian support to Yemen New international conference on sexual and gender-based violence in humanitarian crises Increases humanitarian efforts Norway assumes presidency of the Mine Ban Treaty Changes to Norway’s aid budget International conference on health in developing countries Increased support for humanitarian response in Yemen Increase in aid budget for 2019 NOK 325 million in humanitarian aid to the Lake Chad region Launch of new humanitarian strategy Norway to make extraordinary contribution to Palestine refugees Intensifies efforts in the Sahel region Norway increases support for mine clearance in Iraq and Syria Norway provides additional humanitarian aid to Yemen Norway pledges NOK 2 billion to the Global Partnership for Education Norway provides NOK 125 million to UN agency for Palestine refugees Norway provided more than USD 300 million to the Syria crisis Increased contribution to the UN emergency response fund in 2018 Norway to maintain its support for UN Refugee Agency Increased humanitarian aid to Ethiopia Increase in humanitarian aid for Rohingya crisis Increase in Norway's aid budget for 2018 Humanitarian aid to areas liberated from Isil Norway increases humanitarian support to Myanmar and Bangladesh Increased support for UN Funding Facility for Immediate Stabilization in Iraq Steps up humanitarian aid to Yemen Norwegian Director new chair of CERF Advisory Group Global Goals must be achieved in all countries Norway supporting efforts to fight cholera outbreak in Yemen Efforts to fight against illegal fishing in developing countries Norway co-chairs UN advocate group for sustainability goals Norway and Ghana discussed sustainable development Norway to provide NOK 2.3 billion to alleviate Syria crisis in 2017 Norway increases humanitarian support to Yemen Concerted effort to advance the 2030 Agenda in development policy Norway increases famine response to NOK 673 million First ever white paper on the place of the oceans in Norwegian foreign and development policy World Humanitarian Day – enormous unmet needs Increases humanitarian support around Lake Chad Norway will provide NOK 1.6 billion over three years to Nigeria and the Lake Chad region Norway provides NOK 64 million for efforts to prevent famine in Somalia Norwegian development aid in 2015 Norway extends partnership with World Food Programme Norway’s follow-up of Agenda 2030 Strengthening efforts to combat AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria Historic level of funding for education, humanitarian aid and health Norway to maintain a high level of aid for Afghanistan Norway increases humanitarian assistance to Yemen Provides aid to Central African Republic Provides NOK 380 million to the UN CERF Donor conference in Oslo for Nigeria and Lake Chad region