‘Human trafficking and unacceptable working conditions must be dealt with through international cooperation. The Government is therefore increasing its allocation to efforts to combat modern slavery by NOK 100 million. The funding will be channelled through the Global Fund to End Modern Slavery, which is seeking to eliminate various forms of forced labour and give the victims a new start,’ said Minister of International Development Nikolai Astrup.
Funding for several other aid budget items is also being increased in this revision of the budget.
‘I am glad that it is now possible to increase humanitarian aid funding by NOK 34 million. Most of this will go to UN emergency appeals in Africa. There are massive humanitarian needs in many countries in Africa. Despite this, the UN emergency appeals are severely underfinanced,’ said Minister of Foreign Affairs Ine Eriksen Søreide.
The UN Peacebuilding Fund plays a very important part in helping to build lasting peace in countries emerging from conflict. Unfortunately, it is underfinanced, and the Government will therefore increase its allocation to the fund by NOK 25 million in 2018.
In line with the Government’s Sahel strategy, which was published in September, the Government will increase support to this vulnerable region of Africa by NOK 20 million. The funding will be channelled through the UN Peacebuilding Fund. The Fund is seeking to deal with the structural causes underlying the many crises in the Sahel region.
Global health is one of the most important priorities of the Government’s aid policy. Support to Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance, and the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI) is being increased by a total of NOK 14 million.