Table with Norway Grants logo  - Photo:Norwegian Embassy Zagreb
Norwegian Embassy Zagreb

Introducing electronic monitoring to Croatia

Norway works together with Croatia in introducing electronic monitoring during probation and investigative procedures. Also, thanks to Norway Grants, the quality and safety of the probation services will be improved.

About the project 

As part of the Justice and Home Affairs programme of the Grants, the Croatian Ministry of Justice is collaborating with Norwegian partners in making judiciary services more accessible to citizens.

One of the predefined projects under the programme aims to improve the quality of probation services. The Norwegian Correctional Service is contributing with their extensive experience in implementing alternative sanctions and measures in Norway, such as electronic monitoring, community service, and restorative justice. This collaboration aims to improve the effectiveness of probation service in Croatia and reduce reoffending rates.  

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The project consists of four components and introduction of permanent implementation of electronic monitoring in Croatia is one of them. As part of this activity, electronic monitoring bracelets were procured and a Central office for Electronic Monitoring established in the Ministry.

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To familiarise the relevant stakeholders about the benefits of electronic montiorng, education and seminars for judges and other relevant experts were organised. The one held in Zagreb dealt with the application of electronic surveillance at various stages of criminal proceedings (investigative home detention with the application of electronic monitoring and conditional release subject to electronic monitoring) and included judges, state attorneys, heads of police directorates and civil servants. 


The electronic monitoring is still fairly new to Croatia but was already implemented in a handful of cases. Thanks to electronic monitoring, in Norway a quarter of all convicted individuals never really see the inside of prison. The monitoring has proved extremly efficient in protecting teh victims of domestic violence and assisting the police in preventing the attacks. Such and other experiences help Croatia in expanding their use. 

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Through this collaboration, the Croatian Probation Service will receive technical assistance, training, and equipment to improve their ability to manage offenders effectively. Norway Grants will also support the development and implementation of evidence-based practices to reduce recidivism rates and promote successful reintegration of offenders.

The goal is to ensure that the Croatian Probation Service is equipped with the necessary tools to promote public safety, protect human rights, and facilitate the successful reintegration of offenders into society. The Norwegian support will not only benefit the Probation Service, but also the wider community by reducing the risks of repeat offenses and contributing to a safer and more stable society.