Peer Gynt

Support to Cultural Cooperation and Events

Cultural cooperation between Norway and Croatia contributes in its diversity to underpin the good relations between our two countries. A great number of Norwegian cultural actors has been welcomed in Croatia over the years.

The role of the Embassy is to support and facilitate initiatives and events that further strengthen the cultural cooperation and exchange between Norway and Croatia. 

The Embassy has funds available to support such activities. To be considered for such support, the projects/activities need to fall under one of the following objectives:

  1. fostering sustainable bilateral cooperation – first and foremost on institutional* level
  2. Increase market opportunities for Norwegian cultural actors/products

Applications can be submitted to the Embassy at any time of the year. However, in order to be included in the annual work plan of the Embassy, applicants are encouraged to send applications by end September each year.

Requirements for applications:

  • Goal of the activity should be clearly stated
  • Detailed budget proposal should be enclosed
  • Application should be written in English
  • Role of the Embassy (partner or sponsor) needs to stated

Priority will be given to projects which strengthen long-term cooperation between Norway and Croatia rather than one time single activities. Travel costs, accommodation, author`s fees, etc. are not prioritised for funding by the Embassy. For this purposes, there are several existing fund schemes available related to music, design, arts and crafts, architecture, literature, film and TV. More information can be found on the web page of Norwegian Arts Abroad (lenke:

Lectures about Norway
The Embassy also offers presentations and lectures about Norway for Croatian organisations, businesses and institutions. The lectures can be tailor-made according to your needs and interests. These lectures are offered for free. English only.

For questions, applications and further information about free lectures please contact us on e-mail  or phone 00385 1 6273 800.