Bilateral projects in Croatia

Norway and Croatia are both members of the European internal market and we continue to work together under the EEA and Norway Grants programmes

Photo: Andreas Kleiberg

Strenghtening bilateral cooperation is one of the objectives of the EEA and Norway Grants. In the programme period 2014-2024 there are a number of bilateral projects and initiatives in implementation. 

The partnership with donor countries interwines all programmes and proejcts under the Grants. Norwegian Donor programme partners are the main counterparts for the coopeartion under the programmes. While assisting in the programme implementation, they facilitate strengthening of the ties between Norway and Croatia in areas such as justice, business, education or energy.  

The Joint Committee for Bilateral relations (JCBF) of the EEA and Norway Grants has a different role. Its goal is to address issues of bilateral interest and develop strategic partnerships beyond existing programmes. The JCBF consists of representatives from Grants`donor countries and Croatia. By working together, the members identify priorities and support projects and activities of mutual interest. The Embassy takes part in the work of the Committee as a voting member representing Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

So far JCBF has funded a number of projects  cover diverse topics and rely on partnership with Croatian insititutions, ministries, universities and civil society orgranisations.

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