Juan-Antonio Rodriguez-Campbell - Photo:Juan-Antonio Rodriguez-Campbell
Juan-Antonio Rodriguez-Campbell Juan-Antonio Rodriguez-Campbell

Youth Mobility Program

An agreement between Canada and Norway makes it easier for young people to work and travel in the two countries.

According to the agreement, administrative procedures are easier and there are more opportunities to study, work or get hands-on experience. Student also have an unequaled chance to improve their language skills and learn more about Norwegian culture and society.

Who can participate?

  • Canadian citizens, residing in Canada, between the ages of 18 and 35.
  • Students, young workers,  young professionals - all young adults who would like to experience living and travelling abroad and increase their employability.

How to Participate? You must:

  • be between the age of 18 and 35 inclusively at the time of the application
  • be a Canadian citizen who resides in Canada and holds a valid Canadian passport
  • have the financial resources necessary to support yourself at the beginning of your stay
  • hold comprehensive health and liability insurance coverage valid for the duration of your stay
  • obtain a Residence/Work permit through the VFS visa office who handles all applications for Norway
  • plan to stay for up to one year at the most. It is however possible to renew the residence permit, but the total duration of a renewed permit may not exceed two years.

For more information on how to apply visit the Norwegian Directorate of Immigration (UDI). In Canada the program is called the International Experience Canada program.

Are you Norwegian and want to work and travel in Canada? Become a candidate in one of the International Experience Canada (IEC) pools, get an invitation to apply, and apply for a work permit.