Honorary consulates

There are 10 Norwegian Honorary Consuls in Canada. All relevant contact information to the consulates can be found below.

The Honorary Consuls are responsible for the welfare of Norwegian citizens in their region. They have three principle roles: (1) to advise and assist Norwegians with bureaucratic issues in both Norway and Canada, (2) to promote Norwegian interests in Canada, and (3) to further Norwegian-Canadian cooperation in his/her region.

Honorary Consuls are appointed by the Norwegian Foreign Ministry, and are either Norwegian nationals or individuals with strong ties to Norway.

Please find their contact details below.

All business hours are by appointment only. Please make an appointment ahead of time.

Norwegian Honorary Consulate 
Suite 900, 140 4th Avenue SW
Calgary, Alberta, T2P 3N3

Telephone : 403 388-7518
E-mail: consulate@rnccalgary.com

Consul Christoffer Mylde

Norwegian Honorary Consulate
10220 - 103 Ave NW, Suite 400 
Edmonton, Alberta, T5J 0K4

Telephone : 780 440-2292
E-mail: norwegianconsulate.edmonton@gmail.com

Consul Bjørn Morisbak

Norwegian Honorary Consulate
165 Burbridge Avenue,
Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, B3B 0G6

Telephone : 902 407-0412
E-mail: rnchalifax@ihmathers.com

Consul Brian Lane


Fredericton - Stengt, vennligst ta kontakt med konsulatet i Halifax for assistanse  



Norwegian Honorary Consulate
500 Grande-Allée est, Kontor/Bureau 100
Québec, QC, G1R 2J7

Telephone: 581 349-2840 
E-mail: norvege.qc@outlook.com

Consul Marie Godbout


Norwegian Honorary Consulate
c/o Mera Group 195 - 10 Research Drive
Regina, Saskatchewan S4S 7J7

Telephone: 306 790-9300 Telefax: 306 790-9302
E-Mail: norwegianconsulate@meragroup.net

Consul Heather Jean Quale Goranson


St John’s
Norwegian Honorary Consulate
277 Water Street - 4th floor
St. John's, NL A1C 6L3

Telephone : 709 579-1811 ext. 6 Telefax : 709 576-6079
E-mail: rcollingwood@spiritsandwines.com

Consul Robert Collingwood  


Norwegian Honorary Consulate General
2 Bloor Street West, Suite 2109
Toronto, Ontario M4W 3E2

Telephone: 437 225-2233    Telefax:613 238 2765 

E-mail: NorwegianConsulateGeneral.TO@gmail.com

Consul General Marianne Koritzinsky


Norwegian Honorary Consulate General
1480-1188 West Georgia Street
Vancouver, British Columbia, V6E 4A2

Telephone : 604 682-7977
E-mail: nor-congeneral@telus.net

Consul General Randall James Kaardal

Vice-Consul Elisabeth Løkke Øwre


Victoria - Stengt, vennligst ta kontakt med konsulatet i Vancouver for assistanse  


Norwegian Honorary Consulate 
c/o Taylor McCaffrey LLP
201 Portage Avenue Suite 2200 
Winnipeg, Manitoba  R3B 3L3

Telephone : 204 489-1626
E-mail: norwegianconsulwinnipeg@gmail.com

Consul Diana Catherine King