On 20 April 2023, the Embassy in Hanoi and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), in collaboration with the Vietnam's National Assembly's Committee on Science, Technology and Environment organized a Workshop: "Viet Nam's Marine Spatial Planning and Offshore Wind Energy".
The workshop highlighted the crucial role of Marine Spatial Planning (MSP), which will identify feasible sites for offshore wind energy projects, in the growth of the blue economy by catalyzing innovative technologies, responding to climate change impacts and fostering the energy transition.
Norwegian speakers included Dr. Peter Haugan, Policy Director, Institute of Marine Research; Lene Vien Eliassen, Research Scientist, Ocean Department, SINTEF; and Equinor's Global Head of Regulatory, Policy & Market Mr Anders Ystad and Regional Head of Regulatory, Policy & Market, Mr Morten Dillner. Together, they shared Norwegian experience in sustainable ocean planning and zoning for MSP; assessment of sea areas for offshore wind under MSP; business perspectives as well as recommendations on sustainable ocean planning, zoning, offshore wind energy, and assessment of and qualification criteria for sea areas for offshore wind.
In her opening remarks, Ambassador Solbakken said "As a long-standing partner of Viet Nam, we are proud to support this workshop. Norway is committed to combating climate change and to develop sustainable ocean economy. As a leading ocean nation with prominent marine industries, we see that emerging industries like offshore wind power have a vital role to play”.
"An effective approach to oceans management is and has been a very helpful tool to Norway. We believe a marine spatial plan would ensure the sustainable ocean management, which is essential for achieving our shared vision of a green, resilient, and prosperous future. By sharing and learning from each other we can ensure all industries would benefit from the ocean while marine ecosystems and biological diversity are preserved. We are committed to working with our partners in Viet Nam including the UNDP and key Ministries and authorities of Viet Nam to promote sustainable blue growth, protect the marine environment, and support the country's energy transition”, she emphasized.
Viet Nam is at a relatively early stage in the process of formulating both its coastal zone planning and sustainable management of resources document, and its MSP document.
By providing a framework for decision-making and stakeholder engagement, MSP is expected to further ensure that renewable energy, and especially offshore wind power, is developed in a way that is socially and environmentally sustainable, while also contributing to Viet Nam’s rising energy needs.
Background Information
Norway is supporting a 3-year Project on “Planning of national marine space for ocean sustainability and climate change response in Vietnam” implemented by UNDP Vietnam. Through this Project, Norway is committed to working with UNDP and ministries and authorities of Vietnam led by the Ministry of Natural Resources and the Envrionment to promote sustainable blue growth, protect the marine environment, and support the country's energy transition.
This event falls within the framework of a series of activities that the Embassy has been doing together with UNDP Vietnam and other local partner agencies to implement this Project.
Press Release of the workshop: In English and Vietnamese.
Media Outcome:
News stories about the event in English:
- Unlocking potential of offshore wind energy through marine spatial planning (vov.vn)
- Norway and Vietnam discuss developing offshore wind power and marine spatial planning - Scandasia
Một số bản tin tiếng Việt về sự kiện:
- Na Uy khuyến nghị Việt Nam phát triển điện gió hài hòa với nuôi thủy sản | Mekong ASEAN
- Quy hoạch biển là chìa khóa cho điện gió ngoài khơi Việt Nam - Sống xanh - ZINGNEWS.VN
- Quy hoạch không gian biển để “giải phóng” tiềm năng điện gió ngoài khơi - Nhịp sống kinh tế Việt Nam & Thế giới (vneconomy.vn)