Doing Business in Malawi
This page provides information regarding business and investment for parties interested in Malawi.
The Government of Norway recognizes the importance of the private sector to ensure economic growth, development and poverty reduction. New businesses ensure increased production and value addition, while also contributing to increased income and livelihoods. Production growth in the private sector increases revenues, capacity and service delivery of the Government of Malawi, and subsequently the welfare of Malawians.
The private sector is essential to ensure the attainment of Malawi’s prioritized goals, as stated in Malawi’s Growth and Development Strategy III and National Export Strategy. The Government of Malawi identifies the following priority growth sectors: Agriculture, mining, tourism, energy and transport infrastructure. Malawi will need to diversify its agricultural production from tobacco, tea and maize, and successfully integrate its private sector in regional and global value chains. Such transformation may be facilitated by the government but depends on the private sector for realization.
Norwegian investment funds with activity in Sub-Saharan Africa
Norfund – The Norwegian Investment Fund for Developing Countries – invests in three priority sectors: Clean energy, financial institutions and food and agribusiness. Norfund is an active, strategic minority investor, which offers risk capital and expertise to help building sustainable businesses in poor countries. As of 2017, Norfund made its first investment in Malawi’s food and agribusiness sector with a deal of NOK 23,3 million to the Malawian livestock, feedlot and meat processing company, Nyama World. Norfund has regional offices in Nairobi and Cape Town.
Arise is an investment company with the mandate to capitalize and stimulate growth in financial services in Sub-Saharan Africa. It is a collaborative partnership between Norfund, the Dutch investment fund FMO and Rabobank.
SpearCapital is a private equity investment company designated to make investments within the retail trade and/or the production of consumer goods in Malawi, with Norfund being one of their investors.
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