Agreement title: Supporting reconciliation and trust-building in Somalia – Phase 4
Agreement number: SOM-21/0004
Agreement partner: NIS - Nordic International Support Foundation
Description: Project supporting efforts to implement the national reconciliation framework, build trust and promote inclusion of women and youth in national and local reconciliation processes.
Agreement period: 2022-2024
Total disbursement (est.): 20 910 885 NOK
Agreement title: Programme for Social, Political and Environmental Resilience (PROSPERIS)
Agreement number: SOM-21/0011
Agreement partner: NIS - Nordic International Support Foundation
Description: The project aims to address socio-economic, political and environmental vulnerabilities in Somalia to build resilience, increase trust in authorities and support long-term stabilization efforts.
Agreement period: 2023-2025
Total disbursement (est.): 150 000 000 NOK
Agreement title: FGM 2020-2024
Agreement number: SOM-18/0006
Agreement partner: Redd Barna Norge (Save the Children International)
Description: Project aiming to reduce cases of female genital mutilation (FGM) and child, early and forced marriages (CEFM), as well as increase women’s social and economic empowerment at all levels of society.
Agreement period: 2020-2024
Total disbursement (est.): 40 000 000 NOK
Agreement title: WB Multi Partner Fund
Agreement number: SOM-20/0001
Agreement partner: World Bank
Description: The multidonor fund aims to provide a platform for coordinated financing for the sustainable reconstruction and development of Somalia, with a focus on core state functions and socio-economic recovery.
Agreement period: 2022-2025
Total disbursement (est.): 300 000 000 NOK
Agreement title: Office of the Auditor General of Somalia Peer Support
Agreement number: SOM-20/0008
Agreement partner: IDI – INTOSAI Development Initiative
Description: Support to strengthen the Auditor General’s Office in Somalia and promote the achievement of strategic goals, including high quality audit reports, good internal governance and improved infrastructure and ICT capacity.
Agreement period: 2021-2024
Total disbursement (est.): 7 390 000 NOK
Agreement title: UN Multi-Partner Trust Fund (UNMPTF)
Agreement number: SOM-20/0010
Agreement partner: Somalia United Nations Multi-Partner Trust Fund Office
Description: Contributions to the fund that supports implementation of programmes in Somalia by 14 UN organisations. Key activities include inclusive political support under the Joint Programme on Local Governance, support to the Human Rights Project, and support to the Programme for Sustainable Charcoal Reduction and Alternative Livelihoods (PROSCAL).
Agreement period: 2020-2024
Total disbursement (est.): 250 000 000 NOK
Agreement title: Somaliland Development Fund 2021-2023
Agreement number: SOM-21/0005
Agreement partner: UK Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office
Description: Economic development recovery programme to enhance economic opportunities and support long-term stability in Somaliland.
Agreement period: 2021-2023
Total disbursement (est.): 30 000 000 NOK
Agreement title: Environmental Peace-Making in Somalia
Agreement number: SOM-22/0002
Agreement partner: EIP – European Institute of Peace
Description: Project aiming to integrate environment and peace-building challenges as entry points for reconciliation efforts, by enhancing political dialogue on environmental challenges that impact on conflict, and ensure that conflict resolution efforts properly addresses these issues.
Agreement period: 2022-2023
Total disbursement (est.): 5 131 756 NOK
Agreement title: Offensive Against Al-Shabaab in South West and Jubaland
Agreement number: SOM-23/0001
Agreement partner: Raad Peace Research Institute (RPRI)
Description: Research project on how clan and local political dynamics may affect the likelihood for success of the current efforts to counter the threat of Al-Shabaab, focusing on South West State and Jubaland State. The project will produce one open policy brief as well as a brief for the Somali government and relevant international partners.
Agreement period: 2023
Total disbursement (est.): 400 000 NOK