Agreement title: KNCHR Support to human rights in Kenya
Agreement number: KEN-19/0011
Agreement partner: Kenya National Commission on Human Rights (KNCHR)
Description: Supporting the Commission in its mandate to strengthen and promote enjoyment of human rights and fundamental freedoms in Kenya.
Agreement period: 2021-2024
Total disbursement (est.): 13 600 000 NOK
Agreement title: Ni Mama 2 – Support for Women Human Rights Defenders in Kenya
Agreement number: KEN-20/0004
Agreement partner: National Coalition of Human Rights Defenders
Description: Project aiming to improve space for women human rights defenders (WHRDs), increase capacity and collaboration between WHRDs and human rights organizations championing women’s rights, and provide protection of WHRDs at risk.
Agreement period: 2021-2023
Total disbursement (est.): 3 773 281 NOK
Agreement title: SDG Multi-Partner Trust Fund Kenya
Agreement number: KEN-22/0003
Agreement partner: SDG Multi-Partner Trust Fund Kenya
Description: Aims to strengthen UN capacity to deliver as one, and enhance the work towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals.
Agreement period: 2022-2025
Total disbursement (est.): 18 000 000 NOK
Agreement title: URAIA: Rights, Inclusion and Transparency for Accountable Institutions
Agreement number: KEN-23/0003
Agreement partner: URAIA Trust
Description: The project is a partnership between five organisations: Uraia Trust, PAWA254, Muslims Women Advancement of Rights and Protections (MWARP), Haki Yetu and Friends of Lake Turkana (FoLT). The organisations are targeting 9 counties in Kenya with the aim of promoting a rights-based society through increased access to information, enhanced transparency and accountability, increased citizen participation in public affairs, and support to human rights defenders in Kenya.
Agreement period: 2023-2026
Total disbursement (est.): 17 100 000 NOK
Agreement title: Katiba: Empowering State Institutions and Citizens on Access to Information
Agreement number: KEN-23/0004
Agreement partner: Katiba Institute
Description: The project seeks to enhance transparency and accountability in government, and promote public participation in governance as well as prudent use of public resources, in line with the Access to Information Act and the 2010 Constitution of Kenya.
Agreement period: 2023-2026
Total disbursement (est.): 4 670 000 NOK
Agreement title: Locally Led Multi-Purpose Cash Response to Affected Communities in Kenya
Agreement number: KEN-23/0002
Agreement partner: ACTED
Description: The project provides a coordinated and harmonized multi-purpose cash response to meet the basic needs of communities affected by climatic shocks in the ASAL Counties in Northern Kenya. Through the locally led ASAL Humanitarian Network (AHN), the project targets 2,564 households with three cycles of cash assistance.
Agreement period: 2023
Total disbursement (est.): 10 000 000 NOK