The Ambassador Hans Jacob Frydenlund

Blue Economy for Agenda 2030: Aligning Economic Development for Sustainable Development of Oceans

Norway was the country partner at the World Sustainable Development Summit 2020 held in New Delhi in January. Ambassador Hans Jacob Frydenlund spoke about the importance of blue economy, oceans and sustainability at a session on 'Blue Economy for Agenda 2030'.

"Norwegian ocean industries such as seafood, maritime transportation, offshore energy - as well as newer ocean industries - are the backbone of the Norwegian economy and has been for a thousand years. Norway's income from the ocean may be over 40 percent higher than in 2010, according to recent estimates.

Globally, about 30 % of all fish stocks are overfished and about 60 % are fully exploited. Illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing costs 23 billion dollars pr. year in lost income. Poor management reduces the value of global marine fisheries by 50 billion dollars per year. Acidification and warming seas are causing widespread death of coral reefs. The Ocean is on course to contain an estimated 1 kg of plastic for every 3 kg of fish within 10 years.

There is therefore an urgent need for action.

Realizing the urgency, in 2017, the Norwegian Government published a first ever Ocean Strategy document, and a White Paper on the role of the ocean in the Norwegian foreign and development policy", highlighted Ambassador Frydenlund during his address.

To read the full speech: Ambassador WSDS Speech.pdf