Our priority areas in India follow the Norway India 2030 strategy and cover democracy and rule-based world order, oceans, energy, climate and environment as well as higher education and global health.
Norway and India enjoy long-standing relations in institutional cooperations and research. The aim of Norway’s support is to contribute to India’s progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals. Through all our five main cooperation areas, Norway promotes human rights, women’s rights and gender equality, climate and environment and anti-corruption.
The official cooperation relations with India began in 1952 with the fishery projects in Kerala. From 2004 the cooperation has focused on technical cooperation and knowledge transfer with good results. Norway also gives support through multilateral partners and global programs.
Transparency and open data
Norway MFA Grants Portal (regjeringen.no) gives an overview of all the grants from the Ministry and Norad to India.
Bistandsresultater (norad.no): Norwegian Aid Statistics will give access to all the official statistics about Norwegian development assistance from 1960 until today. There are several options for choosing content and scope of the report, which can be presented in maps, graphs or tables.