The film tells the story of Thor Heyerdahl, the famous Norwegian explorer, and his journey across the Pacific. The film was made in 2012 and nominated for an Oscar for Best Foreign Language Film of the Year.
The film’s description reads: “Norwegian adventurer Thor Heyerdahl suspects that the South Sea Islands were originally colonized by South Americans. In 1947, despite his fear of water and inability to swim, Heyerdahl decides to prove his theory. He and five companions set sail from Peru on a balsa-wood raft built from an ancient design. Their only modern equipment is a radio, and they must navigate using the stars and ocean currents. After three exhausting months at sea, they achieve their goal.”
The film screening will start at 19:00. Admission is free.
A lecture and powerpoint presentation about Heyerdahl will also be held the day before on Thursday 5 November at 18:00 at Tin Ujević library in Zagreb. Mrs. Nevenka Romanić Kristensen from the Croatian-Norwegian Friendship Association, will hold the lecture in Croatian, but the organizer has prepared a written English translation.
The movie and lecture are both organised by the Croatian-Norwegian Friendship Association in cooperation with the Norwegian Embassy in Zagreb and Tin Ujević library.