Norway in Rijeka

Norway to present Inclusive Design at Weekend Media Festival 2017

Norway will participate at the 10th Weekend Media Festival. The theme of the Norwegian presentation will be Inclusive Design. The festival will take place in Rovinj from 21-24 September at Stara tvornica duhana.

Inclusive Design is a people centered strategy for innovation that leads to more user-friendly products and services for the mainstream market. It is a design strategy that can be applied in all areas of life, focusing on reducing barriers and promoting equality. Design and Architecture Norway (DOGA) has taken a leading role in pushing this strategy, while Kahoot!, a free game-based learning platform, is an example of a service that has used Inclusive Design to foster social learning and better education in the world. Kahoot! is now played by over 50 million people in 180 countries.

Weekend Media Festival is the biggest regional communication industry fair. Over 4,500 participants are expected at this year’s festival. The participants include leading individuals and experts from the communication industry and business world, journalists and students. In the course of three days the festival will offer new trends and visions in business, creative solutions to business problems, and exchange of experiences between neighboring countries, all the while guaranteeing a fun experience.

The Norwegian presentation is due on Friday 22 September in the Nordics Exposed Hall. The Norwegian Embassy will host a program in cooperation with other Nordic countries (Denmark, Finland and Sweden). The program will include talks on Inclusive Design by Onny Eikhaug, Programme Leader at DOGA, and Jamie Brooker, Co-founder of Kahoot!, a joint exhibition of the Nordic countries, and a party.

For updates about the Norwegian presentation at Weekend Media Festival 2017 follow the Norwegian Embassy on Facebook (Royal Norwegian Embassy in Zagreb) and Instagram (@norwayincroatia).


For more information about Weekend Media Festival 2017 see:

For more information about Inclusive Design and Kahoot! see: