picture of rebuilding - Photo:Photo: Jan Petter Saga
Photo: Jan Petter Saga

Rebuilding Dubravica

During the Homeland War in Croatia, the Sandnes-Dubrovnik Foundation, with support from the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, offered humanitarian aid and assistance in reconstruction of destroyed houses.

Mr. Jan Petter Saga from Norway was asked to lead the reconstruction work in Dubravica, a small village near Dubrovnik. In the fall of 1993, he decided to quit his job and travel to Croatia to offer his assistance.


Photo: Jan Petter Saga

The planning phase was initiated in the autumn 1993, the rebuilding of the houses started in 1994.

Local inhabitants, local workforce along with volunteers from other countries worked day and night to rebuild the village.

Despite having to work under very difficult conditions, the reconstruction was finished in 1995.