Furthermore, agreement has been reached on an additional allocation for 2023 of NOK 5 billion for developing countries. The war in Ukraine has led to higher prices for food, fertiliser and energy. This additional allocation will be used to provide assistance to countries that are particularly severely affected by the ramifications of the war.
The support programme has been named after Nobel Peace Prize laureate Fridtjof Nansen, in commemoration of his outstanding humanitarian efforts in Ukraine a hundred years ago. The support provided by Norway will be allocated on the basis of Ukraine’s needs. The needs will be assessed on an ongoing basis.
In addition to military support, Norwegian funding will be used for humanitarian efforts in Ukraine and in neighbouring countries, for the maintenance of civilian infrastructure, and for reconstruction efforts, when this becomes possible.
Facts about the multi-year Nansen Support Programme for Ukraine
- NOK 75 billion to be provided over the five-year period 2023–2027, i.e. NOK 15 billion annually, as well as an additional one-year allocation in 2023 of NOK 5 million to developing countries that are particularly severely affected by the global ramifications of the war.
- The Nansen Support Programme for Ukraine includes military support, humanitarian aid, funding to maintain civilian infrastructure and critical societal functions as well as funding to support the reconstruction of Ukrainian society, when this becomes possible. Funding under the programme may also be used to provide civilian support to Moldova to alleviate the impacts of the war.
- In 2023, NOK 7.5 billion will be allocated as civilian support, and NOK 7.5 billion will be used to provide military support.
- The situation in Ukraine will change over time. Over the next five years, the annual distribution between military and civilian support will be established for each budget year. There will be flexibility to make adjustments within the budget year in question.
- Norwegian military support is intended to help Ukraine to defend itself militarily. Military support includes donations of military equipment from the Norwegian Armed Forces, donations of equipment procured through international cooperation and mechanisms, donations of equipment procured directly from the industry, and support for training of Ukrainian personnel.
- The support programme will clearly distinguish between military and civilian support.
- The civilian support will, as a rule, be provided in the form of grants, not loans.
- The civilian support will be flexible, and there will be no requirement to purchase Norwegian goods and services.
- All humanitarian efforts are to be based on the humanitarian principles.
- As a rule, humanitarian support is to be channelled through established organisations with a proven ability to deliver, good capacity and effective control systems.
- Close coordination with the Ukrainian authorities and international partners in targeting the support will be vital to ensure that the funds are used in line with Ukraine’s needs.
- The support is intended to strengthen democratic institutions, the rule of law and civil society in Ukraine.