Do you have questions regarding visa and residence applications to Norway?
Please note that The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Norway has made a global agreement with VFS Global regarding receiving applications for visa and residence permits, answering phonecalls and answering e-mails on behalf of Norwegian Embassies. Therefore, if you have any questions regarding your visa or residence permit to Norway, you must contact VFS Global. The main webpage of VFS Global is From here you can find contact details to the VFS applications centers in the country you want to hand in your application or you want to contact for questions. On the webpage of the Norwegian Embassy in Ankara you can also find the phonenumbers, e-mailadress and webpageadress directly to VFS Turkey, VFS Ukraine,VFS Azerbaijan, VFS Kosovo and VFS Serbia.
Your contactpoint is VFS.
Phonenumbers VFS Global:
For Turkey: +90 0212 373 5816
For Azerbaijan: +994 12 404 76 38 or +994 12 404 76 56
For Ukraine: + 38 044 5945 495 or + 38 050 3238 599
For Kosovo:+383 38 412 712 or +383 38 412 812
For Serbia: +381117357366
e-mails VFS Global:
For Turkey:
For Azerbaijan:
For Ukraine:
For Kosovo:
For Serbia:
Webpage VFS Global:
For Turkey:
For Azerbaijan:
For Ukraine:
For Kosovo:
For all other information on rules and regulations on visas and residence permits to Norway, please go to our
Please note that it is not possible to hand in your application at the Norwegian Embassy in Ankara or show up at the Norwegian Embassy in Ankara to hand in appeal or talk to the Visasection, unless the Embassy has spesifically asked you to appear in person at the Embassy and you have a confirmed appointment.