Norway - Nepal: Development

Our development focus areas in Nepal are education, clean energy and good governance.

Norway is a committed development partner to Nepal. The aim of Norway’s support is to contribute to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. Our development cooperation in Nepal focuses primarily on education, clean energy and governance. Throughout all three key cooperation areas, Norway promotes human rights, women's rights and gender equality, climate and environment and anti-corruption.  

Norway’s official bilateral cooperation with Nepal started in 1964. Today, Nepal is one of Norway’s partner countries for long-term development.  

The total Norwegian bilateral development assistance to Nepal was 308 million NOK in 2020 (approximately 37 million USD). In addition, Norway provides significant support to Nepal through multilateral organizations, including contribution to global funds.

Norway channels the funds through the Government of Nepal, multilateral organizations and international and national non-government organizations.

Transparency and open data

Norwegian Aid Statistics gives you easy access to all official statistics about Norwegian development assistance from 1960 until today. You can choose your own content and scope of the report, and get the numbers as maps, graphs and tables.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs' grants portal provides an overview of all grants from the Ministry and Norad.



Education is a prioritised sector for Norway’s development cooperation with Nepal as a means to promote social equity and poverty reduction in Nepal. Read more about our work with education here.

Norwegian assistance in energy development is aimed at contributing to economic and social development in Nepal. Read more about our work with renewable energy and environment here.

Our support to the governance programs concentrates on building democratic institutions, local governance, strengthening rule of law, effective public financial management and anti-corruption. Read more about our governance programmes here.

Cross-cutting issues

All measures funded by the Norwegian government are required to be based on these principles

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Climate change and the environment

Climate change and environmental damage are destroying ecosystems, with negative repercussions for development, health and food production. It is important that our projects take climate change and the environment into account.


Human Rights & Gender Equality

The promotion of human rights and democratic principles is a crucial part of Norwegian foreign policy. There is a special focus on gender equality where the fundamental aim is to increase the opportunities available to women and girls, promote their right to self-determination, and further their empowerment.


Zero-tolerance policy on corruption

Norway practices a zero-tolerance on corruption. If you have any suspicions of financial irregularities or other misconduct in our programmes or implementing partners, go to our contact page.