Legalisation is a formal procedure for confirming that the signature and stamp on a document are genuine, and that the document has been signed by a public official who is authorized to do so. Legalisation does not entail any verification of the accuracy of the content of the document.
Legalisation of documents are provided by appointment only. An appointment can be made by emailing the Embassy at We recommend that a copy of the documents is sent to us via email in order to check the signature to be countersigned beforehand.
The legalisation process for documents issued in Nepal for use in Norway is as follows:
- The document is legalised by the Department of Consular Services, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Government of Nepal.
- The document is certified by the Norwegian Embassy in Kathmandu.
Applicants must bring all necessary documents to the Embassy, and the document must be original or certified copy. Legalised documents will usually be available for collection on the next working day. The Embassy will notify the applicant when the document(s) are ready for collection.
The Embassy is not able to legalise documents issued in Norway. This includes marriage certificates and documents issued in connection with getting married abroad. For information about how to legalise these documents, please contact the legalisation office of the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Legalisation is free of charge.