Gender Equality
Developing discrimination machines? Cross-sectoral discussion on gender inclusive AI
On International Women’s Day, Ghana and Norway as co-champions of the UNFPA Equity 2030 Alliance, together with UN Agencies and Women at the Table organized a panel discussion to explore challenges and best practice in developing gender inclusive approaches to artificial intelligence.
Climate Change is NOT Gender Neutral: the Impact of Climate Change on Gender Equality. Wednesday 8 March 2023 from 13:30-15:00.
On International Women’s Day, a cross-regional group of Member States with the UN Agencies organised a panel discussion to explore interlinkages between climate change, gender equality and sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) and the actions needed to respond to these challenges.
International Women's Day 8 March 2022
On the occasion of this year’s International Women’s Day, the Permanent Mission of Norway are delighted to present seven inspiring female leaders who have advanced gender equality and multilateralism within education, trade, health, politics, security, and humanitarian response.
Norway’s Ambassador becomes a Gender Champion
Ambassador Mørch Smith is now part of the International Gender Champion network, committing to breaking down gender barriers.