Norway at 2022 Opinion Festival in Paide - Foto:Credit and copyright Martin Håndlykken -
Norway at 2022 Opinion Festival in Paide. Credit and copyright Martin Håndlykken -

Norway at 2022 Opinion Festival in Paide

This year we have an abundance of Norwegian events at Opinion Festival in Paide – many Norwegian youth NGOs are joining us for the debate on the role of civil society organizations, Mathilde S. Dahl is sharing her knowledge on city developments in the post-pandemic era, innovative artist Haavard Tveito will discuss the tech in culture, the Norwegian film “Disco” provokes questions on life choices and with the exhibition “Norway and Estonia through times” we celebrate the multitude of contacts between our two countries. Welcome to all our events at Arvamusfestival 2022!

Arvamusfestival/ Opinion Festival 12.- 13. August 2022 in Paide

Friday, August 12

Opening of the out-door exhibition “Norway and Estonia through times” at Paide Central Square / Keskväljaku ala

Exhibition “Norway and Estonia through times” - Norra ja Eesti


14:00     Navigating next-gen technologies for culture (Digital knowledge area / Digitarkuse ala)


Indrek Kasela (investor and gallerist), Indrek Ibrus (Professor of media innovation, Tallinn University, Erwin Laiho (3D Designer, Model-Maker & Sculpture, NFT artist), Haavard Tveito (Norwegian architect and musician, founder of, Xenia Joost (Fashion Designer)

Moderator: Sten-Kristjan Saluveer (Media & Tech Strategist)

Organizer: Nordic Council of Ministers' Office in Estonia / contact 5275209

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Saturday, August 13

14:00     Looking for Common Good – But How to Agree on What’s Good? (Open society area / Avatud ühikonna ala)


Torbjørn Bergwitz Lauen (Youth League, Norway), Helena Mei Baugstø (Youth Atlantic Treaty Association Norway), Jean Cristophe Delmas (Norwegian Helsinki Committee), Martin A. Noorkõiv (CEO of Domus Dorpatensis Academy, DD StratLab and DD Center for Developing Democracy), Maiu Lauring (Green Tiger, democracy fitness instructor)

Moderator: Kai Klandorf (Network of Estonian Nonprofit Organizations, SpeakSmart)

Organizer: Open Estonia Foundation

FB event Looking for common good


16:00     Leaving big cities: temporary or permanent? (Kogukonna ala / Community area)


Rainer Eidemiller (Head of Paide Information Centre for Sustainable Renovation, Estonia), Mathilde Simonsen Dahl (City Planner in the city of Drøbak, Norway), Saara Pellender (Director of the Finnish Migration Institute, Finland), Karin Högström (Project Manager in Culture and Tourism at Kramfors kommun, Sweden)

Moderator Triin Toomesaar (moderator, Executive Director of Responsible Business Forum in Estonia)

Organizer: Norwegian Embassy/

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18:00     Film «Disco» in Paide Music and Theatre house / Paide Muusika- ja Teatrimaja

Director Jorunn Myklebust Syversen

Synopsis: Mirjam is the beautiful step-daughter of the pastor in an evangelical free church. She is also the ruling world champion of freestyle disco dancing. She is passionate about performing, but her body is crying for help. During a competition she has a breakdown and falls on stage. But in her family the only answer to her problems is to be a better believer.  

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