Norra suursaadik Marius Dirdal kinnitab, et suusatamine on Norra talvise elu keskmes ja norralastel on rikkalikult kogemusi kõiges suusatamisega seotus. “Neid teadmisi jagatakse heal meelel kõigi teiste suusahuvilistega,” rõhutab suursaadik. “Nii on paljud Eesti suusatajad õppinud ja treeninud Norra suusakoolides ning – koondistes. Kristjan Ilves on üks neist,” meenutab suursaadik. Kristjan Ilves ja tema norralasest konkurent ja sõber Jarl Magnus Riiber lähevad Otepääl võistlustulle. Loodetavasti astuvad nad läbi ka Norra Suusasaatkonnast.
Eestlaste ja norralaste ühist armastust suusatamise vastu tähistatakse pakkudes Suusasaatkonnas norra vahvleid koos pruuni juustuga, sooja mustsõstrajooki toddy’t ning jagades häid suusanippe. Määrdemeistrid Norra firmast Swix õpetavad, milliste vahenditega saab erinevates ilmaoludes suusad kõige paremini libisema. Norralased räägivad ka sellest, kas müüt suuskadele sündivatest norralastest peab paika ja kuidas saada lapsed juba maast madalast suusatama.
Kl 15:50 kulmineerub päev autasustamisega, kus tunnustatakse parimaid ja auhinnad annab üle Norra suursaadik Marius Dirdal.
Suur suusapidu on tulemas ka Norras – Trondeimis toimuvad 26.2.-9.3.2025 kahevõistluse FIS maailmameistrivõistlused. Vägeva ajalooga linna tulevad kokku kahevõistluse tipud ja pakuvad pealtvaatajatele põnevaid võistlusi. Lisaks võistlusprogrammile on aga Trondheimi MM-il tähelepanu keskmes lapsed, kes saavad osaleda mini-MM-il. Suusahuvilised kõigist vanusegruppidest on aga oodatud AktiMM-ile, mis aitab kaasa paremale rahvatervisele nii liikumise kui ka toitumisnõuannetega. Trondheimi MM rakendab innovatsiooni parimate keskkonnasäästlike lahenduste leidmise vankri ette, et ka tulevikus oleks suusalund. Nii on käivitatud Snow for Future nimeline ettevõtmine. Lisainfo Trondheimi MM-i kohta.
Norwegian Ski Embassy on 8th of February in Otepää
Norwegian Ski Embassy welcomes you on February 8th at 12:00-15:00 in Otepää, Tehvandi Sports Center area together with the Swix waxing experts and the Estonian Ski Association. Champions of Nordic combined Kristjan Ilves and Jarl Magnus Riiber will hopefully visit the Ski Embassy. Come and see the best ways to get your skies to glide, what are the good skiing moves and most frequent mistakes. Could a 3-year-old ski? Norwegians, who are allegedly born with skis on, will share their experiences. Norwegian waffles, brown cheese and toddy await you! Let this be a warm-up to the Trondheim World Ski Championships 26.2.-9.3.2025
Norwegian (ski) ambassador Marius Dirdal confirms that Telemark in Norway is the cradle of modern skiing, and skiing is at the heart of the winter life in Norway. “Norwegians have abundant experiences in everything related to skiing and we are happy to share this knowledge with other ski enthusiasts,” underlines the Ambassador. “It was a pleasant surprise to find so many fellow ski enthusiasts in Estonia. Many Estonian skiers have studied and trained in the Norwegian ski schools and with the Norwegian national teams. Kristjan Ilves is one of them,” notes the Ambassador. Kristjan Ilves and his Norwegian rival and friend Jarl Magnus Riiber will go into the competition fire in Otepää. Hopefully they will also visit the Norwegian Ski Embassy.
Estonians’ and Norwegians’ love for skiing will be celebrated in the Ski Embassy with freshly baked Norwegian waffles with brown cheese, hot black-current toddy and with sharing some good tips for skiing. The waxing experts from the Norwegian company Swix will teach the most efficient technique to get the best gliding for the skis in various weather conditions. Norwegians will tell us whether the myth about the Norwegians being born with skis has any truth in it and how to get children to ski from an early age.
At 15:50 the day will culminate with the ceremony, where Ambassador of Norway Marius Dirdal will bestow the awards on the best athletes.
A great ski festival is on its way also in Norway – the FIS Nordic World Ski Championships in Trondheim on 26.2.-9.3.2025. The world top competitors will come together and offer the spectators many exciting battles in this historic city. In addition to the competition programme, the Trondheim WSC will focus on children, who will have the opportunity to take part in the mini-WSC. Ski enthusiasts of all ages are welcome to participate in AktiWSC, which will contribute to better public health with activities as well as with advice on nutrition. Trondheim WSC will also tap into innovation to bring forth the best sustainable solutions, with a big “Snow for Future” campaign. More information on Trondheim WSC.