Retention of citizenship
A person who acquired Norwegian nationality at birth, but who has not resided in Norway for a total of two years, or in Norway and other Nordic countries for a total of seven years, will lose the Norwegian citizenship automatically when turning 22, if having dual citizenship. You may, however, apply to maintain your Norwegian citizenship. Such an application must be lodged before the age of 22 through the nearest Norwegian Embassy.
Read more here: Want to renew: Keeping your Norwegian citizenship (retention of citizenship) - UDI
As of 1 January 2020, Norway allows for dual citizenship.
Persons who have previously been Norwegian can apply to have their Norwegian citizenship back.
Want to apply: Notification of citizenship for those who were previously Norwegian citizens - UDI
If you have questions about Norwegian citizenship regulations, please contact the Directorate of Immigration (UDI) directly: Contact us - UDI
Citizenship for Norwegians who emigrated between 1960 and 1975
If you emigrated from Norway between 1960 and 1975, and has not since been registered as a a permanent resident in Norway, you are requested to contact the Norwegian Embassy before applying for a new passport.
In 2012 the Norwegian Directorate of Taxes decided that that the citizenship of persons who emigrated from Norway in the period 1960–1975, and who have not since been registered as permanent residents in Norway, will be altered from “Norwegian” to “unknown” in the National Population Register.
If you are affected by this, the Embassy will have to raise the matter with the Directorate of Taxes. The Embassy will need the following from you:
- Proof of Norwegian citizenship. Please note that you may have lost your Norwegian citizenship automatically if you actively applied for and acquired citizenship from another country
- Copy of your old Norwegian passports. If you do not have an old Norwegian passport, you must provide the following information: full name, and date and place of birth
- Full names and dates of birth of your parents
- If you were born abroad, you should also provide a copy of your birth certificate or family book
- Residence permit or passport in the country you reside