Delivered by Counsellor Kjetil Elsebutangen
Thank you, co-chair.
We believe the second draft of the GCR provides greater clarity on the proposed mechanisms for burden- and responsibility-sharing, compared to the earlier drafts.
We support the idea of a periodic Global Refugee Forum at ministerial level and we see the four-year cycle as an acceptable compromise. Inviting states as co-conveners and co-hosts is good.
We agree that states and other relevant actors should use these forums to announce concrete pledges.
We are also very much in favor of the proposal to use the forums to take stock of and review the implementation of previous pledges. We see this as necessary to ensure that states deliver on their pledges.
On the support platforms, we agree that both the activation and the composition of such platforms should be context-specific.
As to the solidarity conferences, we believe that we should not necessarily link them to the support platforms, but rather let them stand on their own.
We would encourage UNHCR to propose a standardized model for solidarity conferences so that states do not have to reinvent the wheel every time a conference is organized.
Thank you.