Formal Consultations towards a Global Compact on Refugees
A series of six formal consultations towards a Global Compact on Refugees will be held between February 2018 and July 2018.
First Formal Consultation
The First Formal Consultations, Palais des Nations, Geneva, 13-14 February 2018
Second Formal Consultation
The Second Formal Consultation, Palais des Nations, Geneva, 20 - 21 March 2018
Third Formal Consultation
The Third Formal Consultation, Palais des Nations, Geneva, 10 - 11 April 2018
Fourth Formal Consultation
The Fourth Formal Consultation, Palais des Nations, Geneva, 8 - 10 May 2018
Fifth Formal Consultation
The Fifth Formal Consultation, Palais des Nations, Geneva, 12 - 13 June 2018
Sixth Formal Consultation
The Sixth Formal Consultation, Palais des Nations, Geneva, 3 - 4 July 2018