Delivered by Counsellor Kjetil Elsebutangen
Thank you, co-chair.
I will be brief.
We understand the reasons behind the revised and shortened version of the follow-up section and we support the text as it stands.
We agree that the Global Refugee Forum should be the main vehicle for pledging, taking stock, reviewing and measuring progress against the objectives of the GCR and ensuring the achievement of collective outcomes.
At the end of this fifth consultation, we join those delegations calling for a spirit of compromise over the next days and few weeks before our July meeting.
We are mindful that this process is a rare opportunity to ease pressures on host countries, enhance refugee self-reliance, expand access to third country solutions and support conditions in countries of origin for return in safety and dignity.
Global processes and opportunities like this one do not come around very often, and we do not see the prospect of another global process that could be more suited to help us meet our common goal of predictable and equitable burden- and responsibility-sharing.
We are therefore committed to seize this opportunity and aim for consensus in July.
Thank you.