5C: Shifting the Management Paradigm in the UN

Statement by Ambassador Tore Hattrem on Shifting the Management Paradigm in the United Nations: Ensuring a Better Future for All, 4 December 2017.

| Fifth Committee

Mr. Chair,

The Secretary-General has presented a clear vison for a management reform. I hope that we, as member states, will embrace this vision and get the reform process underway. Most of the work lies ahead of us.

My delegation stands ready to support a UN that is streamlined and less fragmented, where authority, responsibility and expertise coincide in a way that enables the organization to deliver results and respond effectively. 

We see great merit in the intent to make a clearer distinction between strategic management, policy formulation and control, and operational and logistic support. This is in line with what is the case with most modern administrations.

There is a great need for a new management paradigm to guide the Secretariat and its leadership. We are well aware that many elements still need to be explored, developed and tested. This information will have to reach us as a next step. 

It is high time for a more simplified budget process. There is a need for both greater authority to the Secretary–General and increased transparency before the member states.  A budget reform has to be accompanied by sound systems for compliance, accountability and reporting. 

We trust that the Secretary-General will make good use of previous reviews and the extensive expertise already embedded in the Secretariat.  We urge him to get underway the changes and simplifications that can be undertaken within his authority, and under his guidance. The shift in culture of management has to come from within. 

Mr. Chair,

The Fifth Committee has a heavy workload ahead. Management reform, however important, is one among many items.

My delegation counts on your able guidance and your extensive experience in leading the Fifth Committee to bring this item to a successful outcome before the close of this session.

We have to give the secretariat the time it needs to develop the proposal in more detail. A resolution should address the main questions and pave the way for the Secretary-General to come back to us with his comprehensive report in May.

Thank you.