On behalf of the Norwegian Government and the 78 co-sponsors, the Norwegian delegation would like to present the revised draft resolution L.46 entitled “The protection of and assistance to internally displaced persons”. The resolution builds upon the resolution A/RES/70/165 from 2015, with the same title, which was adopted by consensus.
The draft resolution seeks to set out in clear terms the challenges at hand and the vulnerabilities of internally displaced persons, and calls on States to take effective and practical steps to address the situation.
The resolution recognizes the applicable human rights and the humanitarian principles, and expresses our concern with the large and growing number of internally displaced persons.
The resolution raises concerns about the protracted nature of displacement, and underlines the need for all actors, including humanitarian and development actors, to work together to find solutions to the challenges of long term displacement.
The resolution further recognizes the important role of the Special Rapporteur on the human rights of internally displaced persons.
Let me conclude by inviting all delegations to support the resolution. We welcome further cosponsors from all regions, and we thank the delegations that have cosponsored so far. This biannual, comprehensive resolution is traditionally adopted by consensus, and we sincerely hope that it will be the case this year as well.