
Nordic greeting to Guterres

The Nordic Foreign Ministers have sent their greetings and best wishes to the new Secretary-General of the UN.

Norway's Foreign Minister Børge Brende has, together with Nordic colleagues Anders Samuelsen (Denmark), Timo Soini (Finland), Llja Alfredsdottir (Iceland) and Margot Wallström (Sweden), written to Antonió Guterres to congratulate the incoming Secretary-General of the United Nations. In the letter, the Foreign Ministers wish Mr. Guterres all the best and assures him of the full support from the Nordic countries.

Based on a set of common interests and values, the ministers encourages Guterres to prioritize cooperation with the Security Council, prevention and diplomacy for peace, human rights, the sustainale development goals, the United Nations development system, gender equality and reform of the UN Secretariat.

Read the letter here.

You can also read more on Norway and the new Secretary-General: