Interactive dialogue on the interim oral update by the High Commissioner on the situation of human rights in Nicaragua (Council resolution 46/2)
December 14, 2021
Nordic – Baltic Statement
Delivered by Ambassador Kirsti Kauppi, Permanent Representative of Finland
I have the honour to deliver this statement on behalf of the Nordic and Baltic countries. We thank the High Commissioner for the latest update.
We are deeply concerned by the ongoing human rights violations and abuses in Nicaragua including arbitrary detentions, violations of the rights to freedom of expression, peaceful assembly and association, and attacks against human rights defenders, journalists and other media workers, political opposition and civil society leaders.
The 7th November elections in Nicaragua lacked legitimacy. Respect for democratic principles was not upheld and the Nicaraguan people were stripped of their fundamental right to partake in credible, free and fair elections.
We urge the Nicaraguan Government to ensure the protection of human rights and guarantee full enjoyment of civil and political rights. Impunity for human rights violations and abuses must end and those accountable must be brought to justice. We call on the Government Nicaragua to cooperate fully with international and regional human rights mechanisms, including the OHCHR.
Madame President, what concrete steps can be taken to encourage the Nicaraguan government to release political prisoners?
Thank you.