Item 4: Interactive dialogue with Commission of Inquiry on the Syrian Arab Republic
Statement delivered by the Permanent Representative Ambassador Darius Staniulis
22 September 2022
Thank you Mr. President,
I speak on behalf of the Nordic-Baltic countries: Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Iceland, Latvia, Norway, Sweden and my own country Lithuania.
We express our firm support for the work of the Commission of Inquiry and its mandate and appreciate its latest comprehensive report.
The human rights and humanitarian situation in the Syrian Arab Republic remain dire for the twelfth year of this protracted conflict.
It is exacerbated by attacks by the Syrian regime and its allies, such as the Russian Federation, on civilian objects indispensable to the survival of the population, including water stations, fuel depots, and farms.
Damage to the water system caused shortages of water, which have recently led to the outbreak of cholera in Aleppo and Deir Al-Zour provinces.
Risk of hunger in Syria remains high due to global food insecurity resulting from draught and Russia‘s military aggression against Ukraine. Future of cross-border aid through the Bab al-Hawa corridor is uncertain.
We join the Commission of Inquiry in urging all relevant actors to refrain from providing military support and funds to the government forces and other parties to the conflict continuously committing war crimes and violations of international humanitarian law.
We fully support the international monitoring and accountability mechanisms, including the IIIM. Accountability for crimes committed against the Syrian people must be ensured.
Thank you.