Human Rights Council 51st Session.
Item 10 - Interactive dialogue with the Independent Expert
on the situation of human rights in the Central African Republic.
Statement delivered by Ambassador Tine Mørch Smith,
Permanent Representative of Norway on behalf of the Nordic Baltic countries: Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Iceland, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway and Sweden
Check against delivery
5 October 2022
I have the honour to speak on behalf of the Nordic-Baltic countries:
- Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Iceland, Latvia, Lithuania, Sweden, and my own country Norway.
We thank the Independent Expert for his dedicated efforts.
The Independent Expert’s report highlights human rights violations and abuses that are overwhelming in scope and character: large scale killings targeting civilians, recruitment and use of child soldiers, sexual and gender based violence against women and children, torture, arbitrary arrests.
The armed groups are not the only perpetrators. It is shocking to learn that the armed forces of the Central African Republic and its Russian allies, are responsible for a large part of the violations. We call on the government of the Central African Republic to investigate all incidents, hold the perpetrators accountable, and ensure that their Russian allies do not impede MINUSCA human rights investigations.
Those who are most vulnerable usually suffer the most in conflicts. Efforts must increase to protect civilians, in particular children, persons with disabilities, and those at risk of sexual and gender-based violence.
We urge the government of the Central African Republic to take specific measures to enact the Child Protection Code provisions to prevent and punish the recruitment and use of children in hostilities, early marriages, and trafficking of persons.
Thank you.