Human Rights Council 51st Session.
Item 4 - ID on the interim oral update of OHCHR on the situation of human rights in Belarus
Statement delivered by Ambassador Tine Mørch Smith,
Permanent Representative of Norway.
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23 September 2022
Thank you, Mr President.
It is deeply disturbing to see that the human rights situation in Belarus continues to deteriorate. The authorities continue to imprison human rights defenders and civil society activists with the aim of silencing all dissenting voices.
The Belarusian regime should understand that lasting political stability cannot be secured by violating human rights. We again call on the Belarusian authorities to stop its brutal crackdown, release all political prisoners and choose the path of dialogue instead of violence.
We support all efforts to end the political crisis in Belarus peacefully. We will continue to support the democratic movement and the aspirations of the Belarusian people for freedom and democracy.
Madam Acting High Commissioner,
How can we better work to improve human rights in Belarus by supporting Belarusian civil society groups in exile?
Thank you.