Human Rights Council 46th Session.
Item 3 - ID on the report of Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food
Mr. Michael Fakhri
Statement delivered by Ambassador Tine Mørch Smith, Permanent Representative of Norway
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Madame President
- As reported by Mr. Fakhri, hunger, food insecurity and malnutrition are increasing at an alarming rate. Securing the right to adequate food is more important than ever.
- Let me commend Mr. Fakhri for his dedication to his mandate, demonstrated through this report and his recent engagement within the context of Committee on World Food Security. We fully support the thematic areas he has chosen for the coming years and wish to highlight the following.
- The Food System Summit can be crucial for transforming the global and national food systems to ensure access to sufficient, safe and healthy food for all. Norway will continue to bring human rights into the center stage of the summit.
- As a member of the Security Council Norway will work to strengthen the effectiveness of resolution 2417 (2018) and call for the respect for international humanitarian and human rights law.
- Norway also appreciates Mr. Fakhri's focus on farmers' rights and seeds. This contributes to conservation of genetic diversity and make food production more resilient in the face of climate change.
- Our focus is on the goal of leaving no one behind, including with targeted efforts towards small-scale farmers and fishermen, based on our national action plan for sustainable food systems.
- Mr. Fakhri can count on Norway’s support in fulfilling his mandate.
Thank you