46th session of the UN Human Rights Council
Interactive Dialogue with the Special Rapporteur on the rights of persons with disabilities
Nordic-Baltic Intervention by H.E. Ambassador Kirsti Kauppi, Finland
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3 March 2021
Madame President,
I have the honor of speaking on behalf of the Nordic-Baltic countries.
We thank Special Rapporteur Quinn for his excellent report and give our full support to the points of departure for his mandate.
Gender equality, inclusion and intersectionality are highly important in all actions, including in the protection of the rights of all persons with disabilities. Cooperation between governmental actors and organizations of persons with disabilities is also key.
The COVID-19 pandemic severely impacts the promotion, protection and fulfillment of all rights of all persons with disabilities. We are particularly concerned about those in vulnerable situations, including many women and girls with disabilities. The pandemic also has shown us that we need to increase our efforts to ensure a truly disability-inclusive society.
This Council has a crucial role in ensuring that the rights of persons with disabilities are fully taken into consideration when finding human rights based solutions to new challenges, such as climate change, pandemics or digitalization.
As regards to these new challenges, where, in your opinion, is the protection gap the widest and would require immediate attention?
Thank you.