HRC 46th Session - Debate - Racial Discrimination GA res. 75237


Human Rights Council 46th Session.

Racial Discrimination (GA res. 75/237)

Statement delivered by Ms Jannicke GRAATRUD,
Minister, Deputy Permanent Representative,
Permanent Mission of Norway Geneva 

(Kindly note that the video statement was not published as part of the debate due to lack of time).



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12 March 2021



Norway strongly condemns all kinds of racism and racial discrimination, and reaffirms its commitment to eliminating contemporary forms of racism, discrimination, xenophobia, and related intolerance.

Racism not only harms and stigmatizes individuals or groups. It also creates fear and is detrimental to the trust needed to safeguard inclusive societies and fundamental democratic values.

Norway is a country with small differences, with trust between people and a high degree of security. Nevertheless, racism and discrimination based on ethnicity or religion can be a challenge in my country.


Against this backdrop, the Norwegian government has over the last few years launched several action plans, including against anti-Semitism, against discrimination and hatred of Muslims, and last year against racism and discrimination on the grounds of ethnicity and religion.

The action plans outline the legal basis for this work and highlight priorities for strengthened efforts. Priorities include financing research on the state of racial discrimination and promoting tolerance through education in schools. We will also promote dialogue meetings and measures to combat hate speech. It is of great importance to include youth.

Thank you.