UN Human Rights Council 46th Session
Interactive dialogue with the Special Rapporteur on the sale and sexual exploitation of children, including child prostitution, child pornography and other child sexual abuse material
Nordic-Baltic Intervention by Denmark
1 March 2021
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I have the honour of delivering this statement on behalf of the Nordic and Baltic countries.
We would like to welcome the new Special Rapporteur and thank her for her report.
We, the Nordic and Baltic countries, remain strongly committed to the fight against the sale and sexual exploitation of children. The last year has shown that although COVID-19 does not discriminate, its impacts does. The pandemic has only intensified the existing plight of the most vulnerable children. While the mandate has primarily focused on the risks to girls, we welcome the new focus on also addressing the invisibility of sexual exploitation of boys.
We note with concern the recent unprecedented spike in online sexual exploitation and abuse of children due to new and emerging forms of technology. We must ensure that the rights of the child, including the right to a life free from violence is protected. This underscores the need to develop new gender-responsive strategies to protect children online as well as addressing the demand side by ensuring that no perpetrator goes unpunished.
Special Rapporteur, how can we best address the impacts of COVID-19 on vulnerable children, both online and offline?
Thank you.