UN Human Rights Council, 46th Session
Interactive Dialogue with Independent Expert on Mali, 19 March 2021
Intervention by Sweden on behalf of the Nordic countries
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Thank you, Mdm. President.
I have the honour to deliver this statement on behalf of the Nordic countries.
We thank the Independent Expert, Mr. Tine, for the comprehensive report.
We follow the ongoing transition process and urge Malian authorities to make it inclusive and transparent, and to initiate and implement the agreed reformsto hold free, fair and democratic elections within the set timeframe.
We are deeply concerned by the continued alarming reports on human rights violations and abuses. For Mali to progress to a more stable path, it is key to address the root causes of the security situation and strengthen the respect for human rights, also by Malian security and defence forces. To this end, it is important to combat impunity and enhance the Malian citizens’ confidence in the state, including through increased state presence and state legitimacy. In this regard, implementation of the recommendations of the International Commission of Inquiry for Mali is crucial.
Let me assure you of our continued support to promoting human rights in Mali and allow me to ask the following question;
- How do you assess that Malian authorities can contribute to citizens’ enhanced confidence in the state, including through increased state presence, respect for human rights and fight against impunity, and how do you view role of the international community in this regard?
Thank you.