Exploring ways to enhance international cooperation on migration and working towards common solutions that can contribute to a better global governance of human mobility has seen a positive development over last decade.
However, this does not mean we will find one governance structure that will fit all the needs and concerns of member states. Nevertheless, important work in this regard has been undertaken by many important regional and sub-regional structures over the last few years.
The premise of international cooperation and better governance of migration resides within the states, but since migration is international in its very nature cooperation across borders is a necessity.
Norway shares the view that the Compact must be guided by commitments already undertaken as well as being developed in synergy with core mechanisms for international global cooperation - such as the 2030 agenda, the Sendai framework, the Addis Ababa Action Plan and the Paris Agreement.
We agree with the importance attached to mainstreaming human rights as a crosscutting principle in all migration related issues.
Having good data to help guide and to contribute towards good migrations polices to counter non-factual misunderstandings and a fear-based migration policy is a requirement.
The point in the Issue Brief about public confidence is essential. In order to counter populist anti-migrant sentiments Governments must demonstrate that they are in control of their migration policy, their international partnerships and their commitments, including an efficient return policy of those who are not entitled to international protection or to stay on other legal grounds.
The briefs’ reminder of the importance of the participation of local authorities with their proximity of residents, local knowledge and their work in implementing national migration policies in direct cooperation with the migrants themselves cannot be stressed enough.
Finally, some comments on the suggestions found in the chapter on ways forward and commitments.
This part does unfortunately not live up the expectations we had after having studied the first part of the issue brief. However, we do agree, as stated earlier, that it is a good idea to tie the compact to ongoing global processes.
Regarding capacity building of states and other stakeholders in migration management, Norway shares the idea that it is useful to identify gaps in national migration governance structures, but we are not clear on how, in this regard, the suggested financing facility of migration would be set up, executed and monitored. Any information the Panel could give us on this would be appreciated.
Norway will support the Multi-Partner Trust Fund to support travel and participation of representatives from developing countries with 250.000 US dollars.
We fully agree with the call for a more united United Nations in consolidating its capacity to achieve greater effectiveness on migration related issues and we wish, once again, to give our appreciation of the inclusion of IOM in the UN family in this regard.
Thank you.