SC: The situation in the Middle East

Statement delivered by Permanent Representative Ambassador Merete Fjeld Brattested


The entire population of northern Gaza is at risk of dying.

This was the warning we received from the acting Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs this weekend. OHCHR stated that they are concerned about the possible destruction of the Palestinian population in northern Gaza.

In January, Israel received a clear message from the ICJ – that they must comply with their obligations under the Genocide Convention. The court demanded, among other things, that Israel immediately implement measures to ensure that Palestinians in Gaza have access to basic services and humanitarian assistance.


Despite numerous clear demands from the UN in the past year, the violations of international law have continued, with increasing severity.

This cannot go on.

UNRWA, mandated by the UN General Assembly, is the backbone of the international community’s humanitarian response in Gaza. Norway strongly rejects the two bills that were adopted by the Israeli Knesset on Monday, that will, if enacted, make it impossible for UNRWA to operate in Palestine. No one can fulfil UNRWA’s responsibilities in addressing the fundamental needs of Palestine refugees for food, protection, shelter, health care and education. 

We remind Israel that the ICJ in its Advisory Opinion of 19 July, clearly concluded that Israel’s continued presence in the Occupied Palestinian Territory is illegal and must be brought to an end. At the same time, the Court emphasized that Israel continues to be bound by the obligations incumbent on it as an occupying power.  A central element of those obligations is to administer the occupied area for the benefit of the local population.  By the Knesset’s recent decisions, essential services for the protection of millions of Palestine refugees will be severely hampered.

This is not just an attack on one single UN Agency, but also on the UN and the multilateral system. It sets a very dangerous precedent.

The international community cannot accept that the UN, international humanitarian organizations, and member states face systematic obstacles when working in Palestine and delivering humanitarian assistance to Palestinians under occupation. This undermines the right of Palestinians to receive lifesaving assistance. The international community has a responsibility to respond to this travesty. Norway will therefore initiate a resolution before the UN General Assembly requesting the ICJ to give an advisory opinion on Israel’s obligations as an occupying power to facilitate humanitarian assistance to the Palestinian population.

Few conflicts in the world move us like the Israel-Palestine conflict. We felt and continue to feel great sorrow and empathy for Israel following Hamas’ terror attack on October 7th last year. The Norwegian government condemned the terrorist attack in the strongest possible terms. We continue to call for the immediate and unconditional release of hostages.

Similarly, there is profound desolation over the horrific suffering amongst the civilian population of Gaza.

For over a year, we have been paralyzed, in the face of the bloodiest conflict in the Middle East in decades. We need to change our strategy.

A ceasefire between Israel and Hamas is paramount.

We remain extremely concerned about the risk for further escalation in the region. The conflict between Hezbollah and Israel is causing great civilian suffering and destabilizes Lebanon. The Iranian and Israeli retaliation attacks have led to increased tension.  We repeat our clear call to all parties to exercise utmost restraint to avoid further escalation.

There is no military solution to this conflict. Ending it requires diplomatic efforts that address not only the immediate crisis but also the long-term security needs and legitimate aspirations of the various parties. A long-lasting and just resolution to the Palestinian question is at the heart of this.

Norway is, and has always been, a strong supporter of the two-state solution. We are convinced that a two-state solution is the only lasting solution for peace.


Norway continues to call on those states that have not yet done so, to recognize the State of Palestine as a step towards a two-state solution, within a broader regional framework, including the Arab Peace initiative. During the UNGA High level week, Norway, EU and Saudi Arabia launched the Global Alliance for the implementation of a Palestinian State and a two-state solution.

We believe this initiative is one way to get out of the current deadlock. We also encourage other constructive initiatives. We need to consolidate all good efforts. For the sake of the civilians in Gaza and the future of both Israel and Palestine, the present situation cannot go on.