SC: Joint Nordic statement - Maintaining Peace and Security in Ukraine

Joint Nordic statement delivered by Permanent Representative Ambassador Christina Markus Lassen of Denmark

Thank you, President.

I have the honour to speak on behalf of the five Nordic countries, Finland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden – and my own country Denmark.

We thank the US and Slovenia for this timely meeting and Switzerland for hosting a successful Global Summit on Peace in Ukraine this weekend.

The significance of the Summit cannot be overstated. More than 100 countries and international organizations, including 55 heads of state and government from across the globe, participated. And, the Summit reconfirmed widespread international support for a peace process based on international law, including the UN Charter, and conveyed strong political will to solve concrete challenges, on food and nuclear security, prisoners of war, and deported persons. 78 of the participating countries signed a joint communiqué to this end.

The Summit sent a strong message:  State borders cannot be redrawn by force. The UN Charter must be upheld. Sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity are non-negotiable. These are principles we all signed up for, and that are the keystones for all of us who believe in multilateralism and international law. They underpin the security of all of us. For this reason – and so many others - global support for Ukraine is of outmost importance for international peace and security; a shared responsibility for the entire international community.

This message echoes countless statements made by the majority of members in this Council. It has figured in six resolutions adopted by the UN General Assembly, whereof the latest was adopted by 141 States, calling for a comprehensive, just and lasting peace.

While more than 90 countries met at the Peace Summit, Russia has continued its assault on Ukraine and actively worked to undermine international efforts for peace. In the run-up to the Summit, Russia committed some of its deadliest attacks against Ukraine since the start of the full-scale invasion. According to the Office for the High Commissioner of Human Rights, the month of May was the deadliest in terms of civilian casualties since June 2023, with more than half of casualties attributed to Russia’s ongoing assault on Kharkiv. During this same period, we witnessed a surge of cyber-attacks and disinformation efforts by Russia. And, despite being a Permanent member of this Council, Russia has continued to violate multiple UN Security resolutions in support of its unlawful war.

The difference in political approach between a Summit for Peace in Switzerland and Russia’s brutal actions in Ukraine is striking. Russia’s so-called “peace proposal” announced on the eve of the summit lays bare the intentions of Moscow, which must be rejected: namely to subjugate Ukraine and deny Ukraine its inalienable right to sovereignty and territorial integrity.


The Nordic countries condemn Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine. We are deeply concerned about reports that weapons are transferred from the DPRK and used by Russia in Ukraine. We urge all States to abide by their obligations under international law and relevant resolutions of the Security Council by refraining from providing material or other support that helps Russia to continue this illegal war. 

Ukraine is exercising its inherent right of self-defence in accordance with the UN Charter. Third states have a right under international law to assist a State that is a victim of aggression. Yet, Russia cynically continues to call for meetings in the Council on these lawful weapons transfers to Ukraine.


Russia’s goal remains to subjugate Ukraine. In the areas it has temporarily occupied, Russia has brought death, terror and destruction, not peace. No one wants peace more than Ukraine, whose people continue to suffer the consequences of Russia’s aggression. But it cannot be peace at any cost. Any future consultations must adhere to international law, the UN Charter, and its principles of territorial integrity and sovereignty. We sincerely hope for Russia’s involvement in such future consultations on a comprehensive, just and lasting peace on that basis.

In closing, the Nordics echo the repeated calls on Russia to cease all hostilities and withdraw their troops from the entire territory of Ukraine, within its internationally recognized borders.

To end the war and let peace prevail.

Thank you.