The statement was delivered by the UN Mission of Canada.
I am pleased to speak on behalf of 65 Member States of the Group of Friends of Women, Peace, and Security, an informal network representing all five regional groups of the UN, and the European Union.
We wish to thank Mozambique for creating this opportunity to take stock of progress made in implementing the Women, Peace and Security agenda as we near the 25th anniversary of Security Council resolution 1325.
Women and girls in many fragile and conflict-affected contexts have made clear that there remains a significant gap between the ambition of our WPS commitments and the realization of the full, equal and meaningful participation of women and girls in political, peace and security processes.
Regrettably, women and girls in many parts of the world continue to be excluded from decision-making and targeted by discrimination; sexual and gender-based violence, both offline and online; and multiple violations of their human rights and fundamental freedoms.
The full implementation of the WPS agenda in all its dimensions requires our urgent and concerted action. The Group of Friends reiterates our commitment to:
Protect, respect and promote the autonomy, empowerment and human rights of all women and girls;
Advocate for and support women’s full, equal and meaningful participation and leadership, at all levels and in all stages of political, peace and security processes;
Call on the UN to ensure women’s participation in all stages of UN-led peace processes, at all levels;
Promote a safe and enabling environment for all women peacebuilders, women mediators, women human rights defenders, women civil society leaders, women journalists and media workers, and advocates for gender equality by amplifying their voices, swiftly and unequivocally condemning attacks, intimidation and reprisals against them online and offline, and ensuring predictable and flexible funding;
Call on the Security Council to ensure that all peacekeeping operations and special political missions provide, monitor and report on all necessary support to women peacebuilders and women human rights defenders, and fully support and protect the independent contribution of civil society to the work of the Security Council;
Promote the full, equal and meaningful participation of uniformed women in peacekeeping at all levels and in leadership positions;
Strengthen international support and protection for women refugees and displaced women in conflict and post-conflict settings, in particular protection against human trafficking and conflict- related violence;
Prevent and respond to all forms of sexual and gender-based violence and discrimination, including by ensuring survivors’ access to essential services, including sexual and reproductive health, livelihood and mental health and psychosocial support services, as well as remedy and reparations;
Promote accountability for sexual and gender-based violence and continue to encourage the Security Council to pursue the fight against impunity with all the means at its disposal, including by applying conflict-related sexual violence as a designation criterion in UN sanction regimes;
Continue to develop, implement and monitor action plans to implement our WPS commitments at national and regional levels, and share best practices; and
Ensure women’s full, equal and meaningful participation in addressing emerging challenges, such as, terrorism and violent extremism as well as in tackling adverse impacts of climate change, and in disaster risk reduction.
Madam President,
On the eve of International Women's Day, we commend Ms. Chiziane and all women peacebuilders who work tirelessly for justice, equality and peace. They inspire us to intensify our efforts to promote women’s and girls’ empowerment in international peace and security.
Thank you.