SC: Resolution on humanitarian exemptions to sanctions regimes

Explanation of vote by Norway following the adoption of a UN Security Council resolution on providing humanitarian exemptions to UN sanctions regimes, 9 December 2022.

Norway voted in favour of and co-sponsored this resolution, and we would like to express our appreciation to Ireland and the United States for proposing it.

The humanitarian community has consistently documented and called attention to the unintended negative consequences of sanctions on principled humanitarian action, and the consequent human costs for people in need of humanitarian assistance and protection.  

We therefore wholeheartedly support the resolution.

Norway attaches great importance to ensuring that sanctions are well designed, and we have consistently advocated broad humanitarian exemptions. We are pleased that the practice of the Security Council have developed on these issues over the past years.


This carve out will in our view be effective as it covers all sanctions regimes and is clear in terms of actors and activities it covers. We trust it will provide the necessary clarity to all relevant actors: from Member States to humanitarian actors, as well as providers from the private and financial sector which humanitarian actors need to rely on.

It is crucial that Member States now take the necessary steps to implement the exemption in their domestic legal system. Implementing this resolution will help save lives and alleviate suffering of people affected by armed conflict.