SC: Libya

Statement by Permanent Representative Ambassador Mona Juul in the Security Council meeting on Libya, 15 November 2022.

Thank you SRSG Bathily for your briefing. Norway is encouraged to see that you have been able to consult with a broad range of actors all over Libya since you arrived in the country.

Your message to the various parties about the importance of agreeing on a constitutional framework for holding free and fair elections is critical. And we call on all parties to do so as soon as possible. Fulfilling the will of the Libyan people is more important than securing personal positions and privileges.

The full implementation of the ceasefire agreement from 2020, including withdrawal of foreign fighters, mercenaries, and foreign forces are also of outmost importance for Libya's stability and the security of its people.

Let me also reiterate Norway’s deep concern regarding the deteriorating human rights situation in Libya. Civil society representatives and human rights defenders must be protected.

And we continue to be deeply concerned by reports of violations and abuses of international law - including conflict-related sexual violence, arbitrary arrests and detention, abductions, and the reported use of torture. Greater efforts are urgently needed to end these violations and abuses.

Finally, let me again express Norway’s full support to the UN in Libya, and SRSG Bathily. We continue to urge all actors to engage constructively with the SRSG in the political process.