SC: UN International Residual Mechanism for Criminal Tribunals (IRMCT)

Statement by Deputy Permanent Representative Trine Heimerback in the Security Council meeting on the UN International Residual Mechanism for Criminal Tribunals (IRMCT), 14 June 2022.

I would like to thank Judge Agius and Prosecutor Brammertz for their thorough report to the Security Council, and for today’s briefing.

Let me at the outset reaffirm Norway’s strong support to the International Residual Mechanism for Criminal Tribunals, which diligently implements the important mandate given to it by this Council.  Norway commends the Mechanism’s activities during the reporting period. With the appeal judgement in the “Fatuma et al. case” scheduled for the end of June. And proceedings in the “Stanišić and Simatović” appeal case continuing.

Pre-trial assessments are also ongoing in the important “Kabuga case”, who was recently deemed fit to stand trial. A significant number of decisions and orders have been also issued by the President and Judges.


Let me recall the obligation by all States to fully adhere to the Security Council’s decisions. We therefore regret the lack of progress in the Jojić and Radeta case, and once again strongly urge Serbia to co-operate fully with the Mechanism. In general, the Mechanism is dependent on the cooperation of Member States in order to fulfil the mandate this Council has provided: to ensure accountability, and justice for the victims.

With respect to the Mechanism’s administrative winding down, we note that there has been a downsizing of staff during 2022, and that significant further reductions are planned for 2023. This is in line with Council resolutions, and the Office of Internal Oversight Services’ recommendations.


We regret that despite an earlier agreement, the Mechanism continues to face problems in the relocation of the eight persons who have been acquitted or released. We urge Niger to fully adhere to the agreement with the UN.

Norway appreciates the Office of the Prosecutor’s work to account for the remaining fugitives. We note the Prosecutor’s recent confirmation of the death, some years ago, of two wanted individuals related to the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsis in Rwanda. With four fugitives remaining at large. We urge all States to fully cooperate with the Mechanism and arrest and surrender all remaining fugitives. The Council should assume its responsibilities by examining every possible measure to facilitate the arrest and surrender of those wanted by the Mechanism.

President, in closing,

let me thank again Judge Agius, for his long and committed service as President of the Mechanism.

Thank you.