SC: Haiti

Statement by Permanent Representative Ambassador Mona Juul in the Security Council meeting on Haiti, 26 September 2022.

I thank SRSG La Lime, the WFP, and UNODC for their briefings. I welcome also the participation of the Ministers of Haiti, the Dominican Republic, and Canada.


We are extremely concerned by what we have heard here today.

Haiti's economic and social development continues to be hindered by political instability, increasing violence, and social unrest. There is a lack of access to basic services, and the humanitarian needs of Haitians are ever increasing. There are terrible reports of sexual and gender-based violence. And Haitians are suffering from lack of food and water.

Protecting the population from violence and abuses of human rights is a matter of urgency. We call on all stakeholders to de-escalate the situation and abstain from use of violence. And safe, unhindered humanitarian access to people in need must be ensured.

Lack of protection and limited access to humanitarian assistance will only further fuel violence. Combatting sexual and gender-based violence and responding to the needs of survivors- including providing access to sexual and reproductive health services is also crucial.


Last week, during the General Debate of the General Assembly, we were confronted by current international challenges, from climate change, to threats to fundamental human rights and basic protection. Yet these are issues the people of Haiti face every single day.

There is a need to address the acute security situation, and step up efforts to find a political solution to the crisis. The political leadership and opposition must recognise the gravity of the situation and make compromises in the best interest of the people of Haiti. We therefore look forward to the upcoming report by the Haitian government on its political reconciliation and election efforts, due by 17 October. An inclusive, Haitian-led solution to the crisis is needed to reverse these current negative developments. However, the international community, including Norway, should be ready to assist as necessary.

We also look forward to the Secretary-General’s upcoming recommendations- in consultation with Haitians- on combatting high levels of gang violence. These reports- together with the regular BINUH report- will be important milestones when we discuss concrete ways forward for Haiti in October.

We must work together to stop the cycle of brutal gang violence, and hold perpetrators accountable. And we, as others, are looking forward to engage constructively in the discussion on a resolution proposed by the U.S. and Mexico.


Thank you.