SC: Counter Terrorism

Statement by Deputy Permanent Representative Ambassador Trine Heimerback in the Security Council briefing by counter terrorism related committees, 23 November 2022.

Terrorism is a global threat.

As such, a multilateral strategy is key to a successful response.

The UN plays an indispensable role in this regard, as the only global forum to coordinate, monitor, and evaluate our collective efforts.

Each component of the UN’s counter-terrorism architecture is meant to fulfil a distinct yet complementary function in this work.

We should purposefully leverage each entity’s comparative advantage to create synergies, while avoiding a duplication of efforts.

The goal is a coordinated “one UN” approach to counter-terrorism that forms part of a broader political strategy – one that is conflict-sensitive, pursues the sustainable development goals, and protects and promotes human rights.

In this regard, I would like to highlight one particular issue that illustrates both the importance, and the value, of cohesion across the UN’s counter-terrorism architecture, that is: the unintended impact of counter-terrorism measures on humanitarian activities.

Earlier this year, the Executive Directorate of the Counter-Terrorism Committee published a report on this issue, finding that counter-terrorism measures had a significant impact on humanitarian activities in contexts where designated terrorist organizations are present.

Norway strongly supports the establishment of a standing humanitarian exemption for all UN sanctions regimes.

We believe such an exemption must apply to all regimes – including 1267 – to be effective.

And we believe that clarifying the scope of the 1267 regime to address a pressing issue substantiated by CTED would serve as an example of the coherence we call for in UN counter-terrorism efforts.


We also support the 1540 Committee as a vital component of the global non-proliferation architecture.

The work of the Committee remains as important as ever, as advances in science, technology, and international commerce impact the risk of proliferation of WMDs to non-state actors.

Norway looks forward to concluding the Committee’s work on the Comprehensive Review process, in a way that also reflects Member States' input expressed during the open consultation.

This process is key to ensuring that the 1540 Committee continues to fulfill its obligations and takes stock of progress moving forward.

Norway will continue to engage constructively in the negotiations for the Committee’s new mandate.


Norway values this opportunity to review the effectiveness and coherence of the Council’s counter-terrorism architecture.

We support efforts toward a more coordinated and coherent architecture delivering as “one UN” – in pursuit of peace and security, sustainable development, and human rights.