SC: Yemen

Statement by Permanent Representative Ambassador Mona Juul in the UN Security Council meeting on Yemen, 14 December 2021.

Thank you, President, ad thanks also to ASG Rajasingham, and Special Envoy Grundberg for your statements.


We are approaching the end of the year, and so are looking back at the past 12 months, in which, we have grown increasingly concerned by the situation in Yemen.

We regret to see no signs of de-escalation. And we continue to be concerned by the recurring cross-border attacks into Saudi-Arabia. Lately, we have also seen an increase in airstrikes by the Coalition. Increased violence in areas such as the governates of Marib, Shabwa, and Hodeidah, has had huge consequences for civilians in these areas.

We strongly urge all parties to show restraint.

Norway has repeatedly condemned the ongoing Houthi offensive in Marib. As fighting intensifies, we witness an increasing number of displaced people living in camps in the Marib province- under difficult conditions, now totaling 45,000, which is a tenfold since September- according to the IMO.

Furthermore, just last week, there was an attack on Al Hamma camp where four children and one woman were injured. Unfortunately, this is not the first attack on an IDP camp. We condemn such attacks, and urgently call on all parties to respect International Humanitarian Law, and protect civilian lives.


Children continue to bear the main burden of the conflict in Yemen. We are appalled by the latest report by Save the Children, documenting Yemen as being among the top three countries globally where children are at risk of being recruited for use in armed conflict.  

This is unacceptable.


I must also raise recent developments in the Hodeida governate. After the withdrawal of Coalition supported forces, the condition for civilians have worsened. We are concerned by OCHAs reporting of 25 000 people being displaced, just in November. We encourage the parties of the Stockholm Agreement to accept the offer by the UN mission to support the Hodeidah agreements (UNMHA) to facilitate discussions between the parties.


As stressed before, the economic situation in Yemen must be addressed, and there is an urgent need to stabilise the currency. In this regard, we welcome the recent appointment of a new governor, deputy governor, and board of the Central Bank of Yemen. Ambitious reforms and fighting corruption will be key going forward.


Let me also reiterate our deep concern for the SAFER oil tanker, and the lack of cooperation from the Houthis on achieving progress. And we echo the calls that OCHA and others have made to the Houthis to urgently release the detained UN and US staff.

Finally President,

After seven years of destruction and violence, Norway urges the parties to devote renewed vigor towards peace. And in this regard, I would like to reaffirm our support to the Special Envoy and his efforts in reaching a sustainable, political settlement to the conflict. Through a broad and inclusive political process, where a variety of voices are heard.

We call on all parties to fully cooperate with the Special Envoy, without preconditions, and without delay.